Friday, August 28, 2009

Thanks Sarah!

Today is Sarah Torbeck's last day as an intern at White Violet Center.
She had a lot of firsts: baling hay, working with alpacas and learning the basics of biodynamic gardening. She made her own wedding shawl out of alpaca yarn. She said it took her five months and she's very proud of it. Sarah wrote two children's books about alpacas (Sister Ruth Johnson did the illustrations). She grew an educational herb garden focused on medicinal properties and made medicines and tinctures from them. She made beeswax candles, felted boots, rugs, yogurt, wooden bowls and more.
"Being here allowed me the opportunity and the connections to learn all of these things," she said. "I leave with my head up and arms strong."
Sarah and her new husband are off to Georgetown, Ill. to continue to learn and grow.
Thank you, Sarah, for all your hard work, enthusiasm and care for Earth. You are appreciated!
Take good care and best wishes always!

Bees from Spikenard Farms

Our beekeeper Candace Minister returned from her trip to Spikenard Farm and Apiary in Illinois this afternoon with our new bees. She had quite the van ride — some of the bees flew the coop, so to speak. Never a dull moment at White Violet Center!
Hopefully the bees like their new home and appreciate our organically grown gardens and orchards.