Friday, July 22, 2011

"It's so hot that ... "

White Violet Farm Alpacas enjoying the water sprinklers.
The temperature at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind., is expected to reach 98 degrees today, with a heat index of 115 degrees.

It’s been like this all week and is to continue throughout the weekend.

With that in mind, the staff and interns who work outside every day have come up with ways to complete the following statement:

“It’s so hot that … “

—today is clean-out-the-pond day.
—it’s a three t-shirt day.
—we’re making the alpacas share their water sprinklers with us.
—the garden irrigation is working overtime.
—we pray for a hot breeze to cool us down.
—we’re watering the alpacas three or four times a day.
—even the fans in the barn are getting tired and “crying.”
—we start work earlier to try to avoid the hottest part of the day.
—we watch the sweat line on David’s hat get higher as the temperature rises.
—we fill the bird bath three times a day and the birds are enjoying the fountain.
—the okra plants look beautiful.
—Matthew is wearing a bandana.
—the fly catchers are catching them by the hundreds.
—we take breaks under the shade tree.
—we want to go home.
—Jim isn’t wearing a hat.
—the alpacas are making “lakes” in the barn because they don’t want to go out in the pastures.
—we know it’s summertime in Indiana!

How would you complete the statement?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Medical herbalism

Recently, White Violet Center hosted Matthew Wood as the presenter of a medical herbalism course at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Spearmint — excellent for digestion and intestinal complaints.
Matthew has a master's degree from the Scottish School of Herbal Medicine. He has lectured in all parts of the United States and taught in Canada, Scotland, England and Australia. He is also the author of four acclaimed books on herbal medicine

Robyn Morton, associate director of White Violet Center, captured the herb walk portion of the course in pictures. She also added useful information in the captions. See the virtual tour of the herbs at White Violet Center in this photo gallery.